The thighs core team (AKA Inner Thighs) are the wonderful, compassionate, sleep deprived volunteers dedicating a month of their summer to holding this madcap voyage of adventure together.
You’re gonna love meeting them/us!
Glasgow to Milan
Annie (Glasgow to Paris) joined thighs in 2017 after volunteering with Khora in Athens and she’s done pretty much everything there is to do with thighs over the years, not only cycling and core teaming, but also organising the whole darn thing for a few years! A wise head on badass shoulders, problem-solver extraordinaire, with an uncanny ability to make massive meals appear out of nowhere, an infectious giggle and a love of stray kittens called Neil.

David: I first joined thighs from Trieste to Sofia in 2018 and I’ve been part of the core crew since 2019, equally at home on a spreadsheet as on a bike. My favourite bit is watching everyone blossom over the week, push their boundaries to the max and support each other with what feels like limitless generosity (and cake).
Fen was part of the second half core team last year and something must have gone extremely right because he’s back for more. Loves ratchet straps, parallel parking, terrible puns, cycling topless, rescuing injured tortoises and wildly misjudging how much pasta to cook. He apologises in advance for getting distracted by obscure secondhand record shops.

Lauren: Hi everyone! I’m Lauren, an optimistic, easy going lover of adventure and all things outdoors. Often known for having a strong snack game, enjoying a good natter on an uphill (often regarding favourite snacks) and making frequent happy noises when cycling downhill or discovering beautiful views!
Rosie: I’m a massage therapist and yoga teacher by trade and I live in the French Alps so I can be of assistance when ordering pastries and ice creams once we cross the Channel – I’m well practiced in this! I rode with Thighs for the first time last year and it was such a euphoric week that I signed up to support this year’s ride. I’m so looking forward to riding, chatting and camping with you all!

Miranda (Paris to Milan) joined thighs for Dubrovnik to Thessaloniki last year and was such a solid joy presence that we’re stoked she’s back to play the part of our bridge between first and second halves. The keystone, if you will. An unflappable optimist whose years of van, boat and bike-dwelling has given her an enduring love of solving problems and working things out when they stop working.
Milan to Athens
Miranda (Milan to Dubrovnik) needs no introduction! (See above…)

Eva hates writing about herself, which pretty much sums up how much of a generous soul she is! She’s been in the thighs crew since joining in Bulgaria in 2018 and gets excited about the best way to prepare beans and the joy of climbing a mountain in the sunrise.

Georgie: I’m BIG into bikes, swims and pastry, of which I can consume copious amounts 👀🥐 I have been involved in Thighs since 2021, which has brought together 2 really important parts of my life: cycling and being in solidarity with vulnerable people in the immigration system (I also work for a charity who support people in immigration detention). I am already super excited to share those mountain climbs, beach swims and roadside boreks with you all!

James has accidentally become “that cycling person” after spending weekends weeks and months searching for intriguing people and places on his bike. He lives in Amsterdam, has never eaten a kebab, and may offer dental hygiene tips without being prompted.
Joe is the only person who has been on every single edition of thighs since our very first ride in 2016! As well as oodles of experience (and the bedside manner of your favourite GP), he’ll bring a headful of games to play and has a personal goal to find somewhere to swim (river, lake, large puddle) every single day (even if it means cycling up a big hill afterwards).
Phil is another of the OG thighsers and we’re thrilled that she’s taken a sabbatical so she can finally be part of the core team this year! She once worked as a medic on a two and a half month cycle trip across West Africa and she’ll be bringing a minirig so you’d better bring your best hill climbing tunes for the playlist!