MASS Action are a registered charity (#1177804) that can raise funds in the UK on behalf of small-but-mighty grassroots projects that might not have capacity to set up as a charity and collect donations themselves.
To support grassroots projects that provide dignified and sustainable initiatives for migrants and asylum seekers.
To increase awareness of the social, economic, political and ecological factors which cause migration thereby challenging negative public perceptions on the movement of people.
MASS Action
Who Do MASS Action Fund?
MASS Action have an open grant-making process and invite funding applications from any and all eligible projects.
You can read all about the 16 projects that we supported in 2022 on our website.
Or see Projects for information on other organisations that MASS Action have funded in the past – and look out for new grant announcements on their Instagram.
How Do MASS Action Work?
MASS Action are a non-hierarchical and volunteer-run organisation.
Unlike large INGOs, at MASS Action our operating costs and overheads are very low, meaning more funds can go directly to projects on the ground.
MASS Action
Furthermore, their volunteers are all people who have been or are currently still working on the ground with various refugee projects.
In fact, MASS was set up by nine Khora Athens volunteers, including some of the same people who set up Thighs of Steel.
MASS, Thighs and Khora are sisters. 🥰
MASS Action’s grant-making process begins with an ‘open call’, where any projects that meet their funding criteria can apply for money.
This is followed by a careful, needs-based decision-making process and, for successful applicants, detailed accountability and reporting.
If you’re interested, we heartily recommend reading MASS Action’s about page for the whole story on how they work. (And they’d love to hear from you if you’re interested in getting involved in some way…)
Can I choose where the funds go?
Thighs of Steel don’t decide where the funds go ourselves, so the answer to your question is no, you won’t get to choose…
…But! That doesn’t mean you’re powerless.
(a) MASS Action are entirely volunteer-run and are always looking for volunteers.
If you’d like to be part of their decision-making team, then you would be very welcome. Several thighs cyclists were involved last year and it was a really positive experience all round.
(b) Any organisation can apply for funds from MASS Action – it’s a completely open process. So please tell your favourite project to apply!
MASS Action Print Out Pamphlet
MASS Action produced the following pamphlet that you can download and share or print out: